Performing is an integral part of Dancing and at Ambition we provide a variety of opportunities for those dancers who enjoy performing.
Ambition holds a full scale production at the Epsom Playhouse every other year for all students aged 3 and over. Every child in the main dance school is invited to take part and will be offered show routines dependent on what genres they take part in. Each show is themed and around 200 students take part. It is a fantastic showcase of students work as well as a wonderful chance for the whote Ambition family to come together. Some pictures from our past shows can be found below!
Performance Team classes are non-selective, fun, team classes that are aimed at existing Ambition students (aged 7+) wishing to represent the dance school at local events along with some exciting opportunities to perform at theme parks and prestigious venues such as the O2 and Wimbledon Theatre. They are bookable by block so that all students are offered the opportunity to perform if they wish. They provide an opportunity for Ambition students of all ages and levels to come together and showcase their work, as well as growing their love of dance and confidence to perform.
There is a Mixed Team and Advanced Team. The Mixed Team works together on one group routine in the first class on Fridays from 17.15 - 18.15. The Advanced Team then attend an extended training session from 18.15 - 19.00 and work on a second, more advanced, routine. The price per session for the Mixed Team is £8 and for Advanced £12 plus any entry fees for more prestigious performances. Advanced Team selection is based on the ability and skill set of the students and will be allocated for each block of classes so may vary. All performers must be enrolled into at least one Ambition dance class to be eligible.
Autumn Sessions - bookable now
Performance - Epsom & Ewell Party in the Park, 21st September 2024: 13.30
No additional charge.
4 x sessions - 30th August (start time of 4pm), 6th, 13th and 20th September (as per timetable). A video alternative will be available for anyone unable to make 30th August due to holidays.
The first block of sessions leading up to a performance at 13.30 on 21st September.
Please sign up by 16th August 2024 to secure your space.
Winter Sessions
Performances -
Bourne Hall Christmas Show,16th November 2024,
Epsom Christmas Lights Switch On, 22nd November 2024
Epsom Square Christmas Lights Switch On date TBC.
No additional charge.
8 x sessions - 27th September, 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th October, 1st, 8th, 15th November
Booking from September.
Spring Sessions
Performance - The O2 Indigo, 30th March 2025
Dates and price TBC
Summer Sessions
Performance - Alton Towers
Dates and price TBC
Spaces are allocated on a first come, first served basis with a waiting list in operation. Those on the waiting list will be given first refusal on the next term's classes which should allow everyone an opportunity to perform throughout the year if they wish. We are aware that spaces for Alton Towers and Disneyland may be in high demand! We will add additional Sunday sessions for these performances so everyone has the opportunity to attend if they wish.